4 Ways A Commercial Electrical Contractor Can Help Your Business Save

Everyone looks for ways to save money including commercial building owners and business owners who use the building. You have a lot of choices but have you ever thought about how much electricity the building might be wasting? Did you know that a commercial electrical contractor can help you save in four important ways? Take a look at what your local electrician can do for you.
Club Memberships
Most commercial electrical contractors will offer some type of Club Membership to help you save money. All electricians are different but you can find one that offers your business some perks.
For instance, our Birmingham electricians give commercial clients deep discounts on services, top-of-the-list treatment, an annual electrical safety inspection, and other perks like a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
LED Lighting Retrofits
The lighting of the building plays a big role in how much energy it takes to illuminate the parking lot, exterior, and interior. Tied into the building's lighting as well, there are often emergency lights and lighted signs.
You can save significantly on the building's power bill if you ask your commercial electrical contractor to do an LED lighting retrofit. All the fixture are replaced with those made for LED light bulbs. This saves you much more money than just using the bulbs in the existing sockets.
Solar Panels
Commercial buildings are going green and you can too with a solar power system. The energy you get from solar panels can save your business tons of money over the years. They can even produce more power than needed so you benefit from getting money from the electric company rather than forking it over. Find a commercial electrical contractor with experience in solar panel and system installation.
Electrical Safety Inspections
Of all the ways your business can save, the electrical safety inspection is probably the most significant. The commercial electrical contractor will test the power that is running through wires to pinpoint any energy wastage. Anything from ants crawling into an outside breaker box to bad repairs and insufficient old wiring can waste tons of energy. Plus, you'll avoid safety code violations and fines.

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